Custom Built Work Airboats for your Specific Needs

When you’re doing work on inland water ways
or and rivers, swamps, bogs, tundra, snow and ice fields these airboats will get you where you have to go with comfort and safety.
They can haul people and equipment into places that swamp buggies, powerboats, helicopters and planes are just not suited for. At top speeds or at a crawl, under trees or over obstacles conventional transportation is no match for an airboat.
We have boats equipped with many options and power ranges. These boats can range in size from 30′ x 16′ and can carry payloads of up to 17,000 lbs down to the smaller 14 x 7 personal size. Airboats are custom built for each application. 14 foot – 20 foot is standard length. 7 foot – 8 foot is standard width.
Browse through our web site and see “How to choose an Airboat” We can build you an Airboat that is exactly as you want. See our “Airboat FAQ” Make your Canadian Airboat work for you.